Joel Rosenberg April 9, 2024: Israel’s Darkest Hour…

“Israel is now in our darkest hour since the War of Independence in May 1948. And the world is increasingly turning against us. The big question is this: Are Israeli’s just going through a bad patch and our futures will brighten again soon, or are we beginning to see Bible prophecies unfold in which the entire world turns against Israel and the Jewish people in the “last days”? The next prophetic war is the war of Gog and Magog, as described in Ezekiel 38 & 39…it certainly appears that the chess pieces are being arranged on the board for just such a war…The nations of the world are increasingly turning against Israel and the Jewish people. Even the leaders of Israel’s most trustworthy ally — the United States of America — are abandoning Israel.” Joel Rosenberg is an outstanding author and expert on the Middle East. I pay close attention to his non-fiction writings about what is happening in the Epicenter. He and his family have lived in Tel Aviv for a number of years now, and his perspective on Israel carries great weight with me. Doug

Douglas M Webb

After 40 years in the oil & gas business, Doug received Christ as His Lord in 2003. Since then he has received an MA in Theology plus attended seminary for an additional 2 years. Doug has a passion for understanding culture events and how they collide with believers today. Doug has been married to Judi for 32 years in 2024 and between them they have 6 children, 13 grandchildren and 4 great grandchildren. Learn more about Doug →


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Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu’s April 25, 2024 Remarks, About Antisemitic Mobs at American Universities


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