The Revival in the Hebrides
I have never been present during a Holy Spirit Revival, and I would bet almost all others who are reading this would say the same. I have studied everything I could find written about past Holy Spirit Revivals, and I want to share what happened in the Hebrides. In 1949 Rev. Duncan Campbell of Edinburgh was preaching a revival service on the island of Lewis off the northwest coast of Scotland. After the second service on the first night the service closed with intense silence. God was speaking to hearts. Campbell dismissed the crowd and the building emptied. Suddenly the church door opened and an elder motioned for Campbell to come look out the door. The entire congregation was standing outside, so gripped by the Holy Spirit they did not want to leave. They went back into the church and suddenly one of the prayer warriors from the young men’s group cried out and fell prostrate on the floor. Strong men cried for mercy, and as one person after another received assurance of salvation some praised God and even shouted for joy. News of the revival spread. Revival fire spread to other villages. The whole region seemed saturated with God. Amen May all of us one day experience a Holy Spirit Revival. Doug