Biden Debate Performance Could Embolden America’s Enemies To Attack

This was a June 28, 2024 article in the New York Sun by Benny Avni. This article makes the point that China, Russia, North Korea and Iran “might conclude that a president whose faculties seem compromised represents an opportunity to weaken America.” “If adversaries deem America to be as feeble as President Biden appeared during Thursday’s debate, will they use one of the lamest of lame-duck periods in history to undermine the country’s global leadership and attack our allies,” or America itself. “Whether Mr. Biden remains on the ticket in November or is replaced with another Democrat, his presidential term will last until January 20.” That is seven months that the US and our allies are vulnerable to the axis of evil. “Israelis are concerned that American weaknesses could harm their ability to fend off Tehran-backed armies that aim to grind them down by a war of attrition. Will Hamas,…the Houthis, and most notably Hezbollah now use America’s months of distraction to further escalate the war on the Jewish state?” As Joel Rosenberg said recently, the global chessboard seems to be coming together to have the prophecy of Ezekiel 38 & 39 fulfilled and to have God step in on Israel’s behalf and destroy its enemies. I agree that seems to be happening. Doug

Douglas M Webb

After 40 years in the oil & gas business, Doug received Christ as His Lord in 2003. Since then he has received an MA in Theology plus attended seminary for an additional 2 years. Doug has a passion for understanding culture events and how they collide with believers today. Doug has been married to Judi for 32 years in 2024 and between them they have 6 children, 13 grandchildren and 4 great grandchildren. Learn more about Doug →


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Will Israel Pull Trigger on Iran?


Joel Rosenberg In a Recent Interview “…Biden is not delivering…because he’s trying to leverage us into giving up. And this is just unconscionable.”